Brain and Body Connection

Growing Pains and Beyond: The Role of Chiropractic in your Child’s Life

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North Shore Chiro Blog - Growing pains and beyond the role of chiropractic in your child's life

As our children grow, their bodies are subjected to a myriad of physical stresses that can impact their development and overall well-being. From the heavy backpacks they lug around to their inevitable falls during playtime, these daily activities can strain their young spines. Chiropractic care, often viewed through the lens of adult health, offers significant […]


5 Reasons why you should get your family checked

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family checkup

If you have a family of your own, you likely understand the importance of keeping them safe, healthy and at their best. Because of this, you’re probably always looking for new and better ways to enhance their health. While you can’t control every aspect of their life, Chiropractic care is a great way to ensure […]

Ergonomics/ Posture

Workplace Ergonomics: An Overview

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proper workplace ergonomics

What is Ergonomics? The word “Ergonomics” was actually derived from two Greek words – ergon, meaning work, and nomoi, meaning natural laws.   To put it simply, it is the study of the kind of work you do, the work environment you have, and the equipment you use to do your job. Its objective is […]

Ergonomics/ Posture

Prevent Pain and Strains in the Workplace

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What about workplace pains? Workplace pains and strains can be tolerated at times but they can turn serious if taken for granted. They can cause pain, numbness and discomfort or worse – they can also lead to severe disability. Workplace pains and strains include musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs), Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs), […]