New Vitamin D Research
Vitamin D deficiency may be an independent risk factor for arterial diseases, according to a study published in September 2012. Researchers evaluated 490 subjects with arterial disease, including 254 subjects with symptomatic peripheral artery disease and 236 subjects with aortic aneurysms. The investigators found that 45% of the subjects were moderately (26-50 nmol/L) or severely (25 nmol/L or less) vitamin D deficient. The researchers showed that low levels of vitamin D were associated with congestive heart failure and cerebrovascular disease.
The investigators concluded that, “The current study shows a strong association between low vitamin D levels and arterial disease, independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and irrespective of the type of vascular disease, that is, occlusive or aneurysmatic disease.”
Reference: van de Luijtgaarden KM, et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2012;3:301-6.
According to another recent study, Vitamin D supplementation during the winter months may reduce blood pressure.
The study was published online in the Journal of Hypertension in April 2012. In this randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, 130 hypertensive Caucasian subjects received either 3,000 IU of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) or a placebo for 20 weeks.
The researchers found that compared to the placebo, vitamin D supplementation significantly increased blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcium and reduced levels of parathyroid hormone. The study authors concluded, “In hypertensive Caucasians… 3000 IU of cholecalciferol daily during winter months caused a significant reduction in central systolic blood pressure.”
Reference:Larsen T, et al. J Hypertension. 2012;30:e103.
We recommend vitamin D supplementation for optimal health.
We stock Vibrant Health Vitamin D3, at 2000 i.u. (for those that get a lot of sunlight) and 4000 i.u.(for people who get less sunlight eg office workers).